Guest Speakers
Perserverance - Osmar Tuanaman - 12/29/24
Communism and the Church - Dr James Lindsay - 10/20/24
My Way or the High-way - Rod Joslen - 10/06/24
Return To Me - Javier Labrador - 03/10/24
White Rose Resistance - Seth Gruber - 02/18/24
Anticipation of the Restoration of His Ultimate Intention - Jay Leroux - 10/08/23
Salvation is Free, But Will Cost You Everything - Al Perna, 08/06/23
William Federer - Understanding the Times, Pt 4 - 02/19/23
William Federer - Understanding the Times, Pt 3 - 02/19/23
William Federer – Understanding the Times, Pt 2 – 02/18/23
William Federer - Understanding the Times, Pt 1 - 02/18/23
William Federer - 9:00AM Service - 02/19/23
William Federer - 10:45AM Service - 02/19/23
Letter to the American Church - Eric Metaxas - 01/16/23
White Rose Resistance Tour 9am - Seth Gruber - 10/30/22
Called Into the Fellowship - Jay Leroux - 10/02/22
SKC Sunshine Kids Club Report - Osmar - 08/28/22
Is Atheism Dead? - Eric Metaxas - 07/18/22
Scars - Rod Joslen - 07/17/22
The Kingdom of Heaven - Jay Leroux - 05/08/22
Biblical Citizenship - Rick Green - 03/20/22
In My Hands - The Story of a Holocaust Rescuer - Jeannie Opdyke Smith 12/05/21
The Woman at the Well - Jeannie Smith - 11/28/21
Living in Uncertain Times - Ken Fish - 11/07/21
His Appearing - Jay Leroux - 10/03/21
Guest Speaker - Jay Leroux - 11/22/2020
Ken Fish - God is our Refuge - 11/08/2020
Guest Speaker - Larry Russell - 03/01/2020