Prayer Hotline

In need of prayer? We'd love to help out!  We have a whole team dedicated to praying for your needs! We call it our Prayer Hotline and it is an amazing resource to be utilized.

Be courageous and reach out! Send us an email at fhprayerhotline@gmail.com to get on the list!


“Dear friend, I pray that you are prospering in every way and are in good health, just as your whole life is going well.”  - 3 John 2


Now we are not proponents of the so called “prosperity gospel” but as a church we believe God does want us to prosper. And that prosperity includes our spiritual, financial, mental, emotional and physical health. As such, God has graced many with various healings in our congregation as we gather to worship Him on Sunday mornings.  

Here are just a few:

Jerry Stinger

Rod Joslen

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